Mencari siapa yg salah takkan selesaikan masalah. Berdiskusi dan kerja sama, maka kamu dan dia mampu selesaikan segalanya.

Selasa, 25 September 2012

Astaga, Gadis Cantik Diperkosa Beramai-ramai Oleh 15 Pria Setelah Diberi Bir Campur Obat!

Seorang perempuan muda diperkosa 15 pria setelah menenggak bir yang dicampur obat ketamin. Demikian diberitakan Shanghai Daily, pekan ini.

Sedikitnya 10 dari 15 pemerkosa ditangkap Selasa lalu dan lima lainnya masih diburu. Perempuan ini diperkosa di wilaya Bobai County, wilayah Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China.

Seorang tersangka yang memiliki nama belakang Huang adalah teman si korban yang bernama Tian. Identitas asli keduanya dirahasiakan.

Kisah ini bermula pada 16 Juni lalu ketika Tian mengunjungi rumah Huang dan tertidur di sana. Suatu malam pada 19 Juni, keduanya pergi ke bar lokal bersama beberapa teman Huang dan menaruh beberapa butir ketamin di bir dan membuatnya kehilangan kesadaran. Huang dan temannya kemudian dibawa ke van lalu memperkosanya. tribunnews.

EMMA,Cewek Cantik yang Bangkit Setelah Diperkaos Geng 40 Orang [Berikut Kisahnya gan]

Emma mampu bangkit dari keterpurukan setelah 2 tahun berada dalam penyekapan geng s3ks. Kini ia menjadi pegiat sosial yang fokus menyelamatkan remaja dari korban pemerkaosan keji Ia berulangkali Diperkaos, dipukuli dan dibius oleh geng kejahatan seksual tersebut. Penderitaan Emma berlangsung hingga dua tahun berada dalam penyekapan dan dipaksa melayani anggota geng itu tanpa bisa berontak. Menyakitkan. Emma seorang siswi teladan di sebuah sekolah menjadi korban pemerkaosan, penyekapan dan penyiksaan oleh geng beranggotakan lebih dari 40 orang pria dewasa. Emma yang kini sudah terselamatkan dan bangkit dari keterpurukan selama 2 tahun dalam sekapan geng itu mengisahkan pengalaman pilunya. Ia bertutur, statusnya sebagai siswi cantik dan teladan di sekolah berubah menjadi kelabu ketika banyak teman temannya sering mengajak chatting dan SMS hingga tengah malam. Saking banyaknya penggemar dan kawan mengajak chatting, Emma sulit membedakan mana yang baik dan buruk. Saat itu ia diajak bertemu dengan temannya setelah puas mengobrol chatting. Ia mengira teman itu adalah orang baik dan penggemarnya karena kejadian sebelumnya juga aman dilakukan dengan kenalan yang lain. Ternyata dugaan Emma salah, ia terjebak oleh geng keji yang biasa melakukan pemerkaosan dan mencari mangsa gadis gadis belia. Dalam cerita yang ditulis the sun, siswi asal Skotlandia itu kemudian diajak oleh sekawanan pria dewasa. Dia baru sadar setelah terbangun dalam kondisi sangat lemah dan begitu membuka mata, dilihatnya sekitar 40 orang pria dewasa berdiri menertawakan Emma yang terbaring tanpa sehelai kainpun. Ia berulangkali Diperkaos, dipukuli dan dibius oleh geng kejahatan seksual tersebut. Penderitaan Emma berlangsung hingga dua tahun berada dalam penyekapan dan dipaksa melayani anggota geng itu tanpa bisa berontak. Setelah berhasil bebas dari penyekapan geng jahat itu, Emma mampu bangkit kembali dan memulihkan fisik dan mentalnya. Sekarang ia sudah berusia 21 tahun punya anak dua dan menjadi pegiat sosial yang berusaha menyelamatkan para remaja agar tidak mengalami seperti dirinya. Dalam kisahnya, Emma mengkhawatirkan banyak remaja terjebak oleh rayuan dan pujian melalui SMS atau chatting via internet maupun handphone. Para remaja dengan kondisi emosi yang masih labil akan mudah terbuai oleh rayuan dan pujian. Waspadalah, karena diantara teman itu ada penyusup dari kawanan mafia kejahatan seksual dan kekerasan. Apalagi di Inggris, banyak geng geng yang terkoordinasi dengan baik mencari mangsa anak anak sekolah untuk dijadikan budak mereka. Semua "harta berharga" milik Emma telah dirampas dengan kejam. Beruntung nyawanya selamat setelah ditolong oleh seorang pria kabur dari penyanderaan geng itu untuk kemudian dibawa ke WC umum bersembunyi beberapa saat. Walau ia sudah sampai di rumah dan bersatu dengan keluarga, Emma tidak segera menceritakan pengalaman pahit itu kepada orangtuanya. Ia bertahan dalam kesakitan dan memendam kesedihan selama setahun. Setelah keluarganya merasa aman dari cengkeraman geng s3ks itu, ia kabur dan mengajak keluarganya pindah rumah jauh dari tempat semula. Dari situ Emma bangkit dan berjuang untuk menyelamatkan para remaja dari kekejaman geng dengan meningkatkan kesadaran kewaspadaan. Emma menyarankan agar remaja tidak terbujuk rayu dan tetap waspada ketika ditawarkan minuman keras dan anggur yang menggiurkan. Apalagi tawaran tumpangan mobil mewah yang ternyata adalah bagian dari geng tersebut.

Senin, 24 September 2012

Kebohongan Dalam Iklan Nokia

Sumber Foto : - Nokia meminta maaf setelah ketahuan kalau iklan yang dikatakan direkam menggunakan kamera dari ponsel pintar terbaru mereka ternyata direkam menggunakan peralatan yang berbeda.
Situs teknologi Verge membongkarnya ketika mereka melihat di akhir iklan terlihat bayangan seorang juru kamera memegang kamera jenis SLR.
Beberapa pihak mengataka berita ini membuat peluncuran Lumia 920 menjadi kurang greget.
Para investor belum-belum sudah menunjukkan keraguan mengenai kemampuan unit Windows Phone 8 itu untuk membangkitkan kembali pabrik ponsel asal Finlandia ini.
Hari Rabu kemarin (05/09) harga saham Nokia turun 8%. Sehari kemudian penurunan masih terjadi hingga mencapai 6%.
Rekaman palsu
Iklan itu menunjukkan seorang pria merekam pacarnya saat mereka berdua sedang naik sepeda.
Rekaman yang dilakukan secara profesional dikesankan diambil dari ponsel pintar terbaru produksi Nokia.
Bahkan kemudian muncul layar terpisah yang menunjukkan perbedaan kalau alat stabilisator gambar (OIS) yang ada di kamera itu dihidupkan dan dimatikan.
Dengan OIS gambar dari Lumia 920 terlihat lebih cerah, jernih dan stabil.
''Tapi sayangnya palsu,'' tulis Verge di artikelnya.
Nokia langsung mengakui bahwa gambar diambil bukan menggunakan Nokia Lumia 920 dan meminta maaf.
''Kami seharusnya menjelaskan bahwa iklan itu hanya penggambaran dari kemampuan OIS. Bukan diambil menggunakan Lumia 920. Kami meminta maaf atas kesalahpahaman yang terjadi,'' kata editor situs Nokia Heidi Lemmetyinen.
Sumber : BBC Indonesia 


Jakarta, Peringkat 7 Kota Paling Dibenci

Bangun pagi menikmati matahari yang perlahan muncul, dibarengi udara yang segar tentu jadi salah satu faktor membuat kita bersemangat memulai hari baru. Tetapi, ketika kemacetan di jalan menuju kantor atau sekolah ditambah polusi, seringkali semua keceriaan itu sirna. Akhirnya jadi bete atau suntuk.

Masalah ini mungkin sering kamu alami terutama penghuni Kota Jakarta. Ya, saya pun begitu.

Tiap hari seperti ini Jakarta/

Nah, situs berita CNN belum lama ini menjabarkan 10 kota paling dibenci di dunia lewat hasil survei. Apakah Jakarta masuk di dalamnya? Lihat daftarnya di bawah ini:

1. Tijuana, Meksiko
Menurut laporan Worldfocus terakhir, angka kunjungan wisata ke Tijuana  menurun drastis sebanyak 90 persen dalam waktu kurang dari 10 tahun.

Kekerasan. Kartel narkoba. Resesi. Terakhir wabah flu babi. Itulah frase yang terkait dengan kota iniJika setiap tempat dapat pulih dari semua ini, CNN memprediksi peringkat Tijuana bisa lebih baik.

2. Sydney dan Melbourne, Australia

Sekitar 4 juta warga tersebar di pusat kota, harga rumah yang tinggi, sesekali kebakaran hutan, dan kebencian intens adalah ciri kedua kota ini. Namun jangan dinafikan juga bahwa tahun lalu, The Economist memeringkat Melbourne sebagai "Kota Dunia Paling Layak Huni" Melbourne dengan 97,5 poin. Sydney berada di urutan keenam dalam survei yang sama dengan 96,1 poin.

3. Paris, Prancis
Kota ini bisa menjadi "paling dicintai" tapi juga bisa "kota yang dibenci". Yang tak disukai orang dari Paris selain dari stereotip pelayan yang kasar adalah kebiasaan merokok warganya. Selain itu, kebiasan 'menggombal' warganya. 

"Jangan terlalu mudah tersanjung ketika Anda mendekati Place du Tertre di Montmartre, dan diberitahu bahwa Anda memiliki rambut yang menarik," seorang responden mengingatkan.

4. Timbuktu, Mali
Satu abad lalu, wisatawan dunia berjuang mencapai pusat perdagangan trans-Sahara ini. Namun kini kota ini dianggap begitu terpencil dan tidak spektakuler. Menurut survei Inggris terbaru, sepertiga dari masyarakat tidak percaya bahwa Timbuktu benar-benar ada.

5. Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat
Kerap dipelesetkan sebagai "Lots Angry". Kota megalopolis ini memiliki sekitar 90 sub-kota, lebih dari 20 jalan tol yang sakit, kode area yang tak terhitung jumlahnya dan setengah juta mal. Gempa bumi, kerusuhan ras, lalu lintas yang membosankan, laporan asap, dan deru sirene yang sering terdengar dianggap sungguh membosankan. Satu-satunya 'perangkap wisata' kota ini adalah Hollywood.

6. Lima, Peru
Adalah kota metropolitan terbesar kelima di Amerika Latin. Agak lebih aman dari Sao Paulo dan memiliki pantai yang lebih indah dari La Paz, namun Lima dianggap membosankan, selain karena kabut asap dan ketidakamanannya.

7. Jakarta, Indonesia
Lalu lintas yang ruwet, polusi, dan kekumuhan adlah hal yang dianggap paling tak menarik dari kota ini.

"Ini adalah kota yang paling diharap dalam perspektif traveler karena penuh kejutan dan kesulitan," kata seorang ekspatriat dari TripAdvisor yang mengaku perlu enam bulan untuk 'mencintai' Jakarta.

Menurut CNN, sebanyak 8 juta wisatawan datang tiap tahun ke kota ini sebelum melanjutkan ke tujuan wisata lain seperti Bali, Yogyakarta, dan Sumatra. Di Jakarta, mereka rata-rata menghabiskan waktu 7,84 hari.

Yang paling dipersoalkan, kata CNN, adalah kondisi lalu lintasnya, polusi, kemiskinan, dan tak ada 'pemandangan' lain selain epidemi mal.

8. New Delhi, India
Para pedagang asongan dianggap sebagai hal yang paling tak menarik dari kota ini. Selain itu adalah penipuan di jalanan. "Hal yang perlu dilakukan ketika berkunjung adalah hindari calo di Delhi," tulis

9. Kairo, Mesir
Tidak cukup baik untuk disukai, tapi tidak cukup buruk untuk dihindari, begitu CNN menyebut kota ini. Polusi udara, pengemudi yang ugal-ugalan, penduduk yang padat, dan kondisi politik yang belum stabil, adalah hal yang paling tak menarik dari kota ini. CNN mengutip laporan Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia terakhir yang menyamakan menghirup udara kota ini sama dengan merokok sebungkus sehari.

10. Belize City, Belize
Kurang dari tiga jam penerbangan dari Dallas, Belize kerap disebut sebagai "Karibia yang lain". Kejahatan, narkoba, kebobrokan, dan calo yang jail adalah tagline lain kota ini. 

Video "Separuh Aku" Noah Disaksikan Hampir 2 Juta Viewer

Noah (Foto: Maria Cicilia Galuh/okezone)
JAKARTA - Kembalinya Ariel ke industri musik setelah lama mendekam di penjara pastinya bikin penasaran publik. Apalagi Ariel bersama Uki, Lukman, Reza, dan David mengusung nama band baru, Noah, sejak 2 Agustus lalu.

Debut single Noah bertajuk "Separuh Aku" mendapat respon cukup baik. Video musiknya di YouTube mampu meraup 1.824.646 viewer sejak berita ini diturunkan. Lumayan bagi video musik yang diunggah sejak 5 Agustus lalu.

“Separuh Aku” Sebelumnya sempat bocor di internet pada 2010. Penggemar juga media banyak yang memperbincangkan lagu terbaru karya Ariel saat itu. Hingga akhirnya dirilis resmi, tentu video klipnya sangat ditunggu.

Saat ini, Ariel dkk pun tengah mempersiapkan album pertama mereka sejak berganti nama menjadi Noah. Kabarnya, album perdana Noah akan dirilis pada bulan September 2012 mendatang, kita tunggu saja kabar baik selanjutnya dari mereka.

Dicibir, Ini Kata Ariel "Noah"

Ariel bebas dengan syarat dari penjara (Foto: Rully Firdaus/okezone)
Ariel bebas dengan syarat dari penjara 
JAKARTA - Nazril Irham alias Ariel bersama Uki, Lukman, Reza, dan David meluncurkan grup band Noah selepas keluar dari bui. Sosok yang sempurna sebagai manusia, Ariel memiliki kebaikan, sekaligus kesalahan meski sangat fatal.

Setelah merilis nama baru bagi bandnya, vokalis yang masih menyandang status bebas bersyarat dari penjara ini, menuai kecaman dari masyarakat. Tapi, Ariel merespon segala caci maki dengan bijak.

“Tidakkah kamu berpikir........bahwa saya tidak mempunyai hak untuk melarang "fans" saya. Mereka adalah tuan atas pikiran mereka sendiri. NAMUN ya......, saya akan MENYUKAI mereka apabila mereka TIDAK MENGHINA ORANG LAIN,” ujar Ariel seperti dikutip Okezone dari situs jejaring sosial Formspring, Kamis (6/9/2012).

Bekas kekasih Luna Maya itu menulis pesan di Formspring setelah mendapat pertanyaan dari penggemarnya.

Menurut Ariel, para follower-nya yang berada di Twitter maupun Facebook belum tentu para Sahabat yang sebenarnya. Ariel tetap memilih sikap terbuka terhadap semua komentar yang datang.

“Lagipula kata "fans" di dunia jaringan ini tidak terlihat, siapa saja bisa menulis itu, tanpa kita tau SIAPA SEBENARNYA yang menulis,” ungkapnya.

Sukses Tur 5 Negara, Noah Siap Gebrak 9 Kota

Noah konser perdana di Skeeno Hall Gandaria City, Jakarta (Foto: Katon/okezone)
Noah konser perdana di Skeeno Hall Gandaria City, Jakarta 
JAKARTA - Sukses dengan konser sesi pertama di lima negara, Noah siap menggelar konser sesi kedua yang juga tak bakal menyedot perhatian penggemar. Mereka akan menjalankan rangkaian tur di sembilan kota di Indonesia.

Saat Noah melakukan tur di lima negara dua benua pada Minggu, 16 September, Ariel, Lukman, Uki, Reza dan David berhasil memecahkan rekor MURI dengan perjalanan tur yang mulus.

Sesuai janji promotor yang diungkapkan pada jumpa pers beberapa waktu lalu, sesi kedua akan dilaksanakan 2 November 2012.

Label Musica Studio’s memberikan sedikit bocoran, Noah mengagendakan siap "melahap" sembilan kota melaui pesan di Twitter. 

“Bocorannya nih, konser @NOAH_ID session ke-2 akan digelar di 9 kota di Indonesia. Nantikan info selanjutnya..,” tulis Musica melalui Twitter-nya, Selasa (18/9/2012).

Pada konser Noah sesi kedua ini, Ariel dkk kabarnya akan lebih banyak memainkan lagu-lagu dari album terbaru mereka, "Seperti Seharusnya".

Konser Kembalinya Krisyanto Digelar Akhir Tahun Ini

Krisyanto (Foto: Johan Sompotan/okezone)
JAKARTA - Kembalinya Krisyanto ke Jamrud akan dirayakan dengan menggelar konser akbar pada pertengahan Desember 2011. Sementara ini, untuk tanggal dan tempat pastinya produser Log Zhelebour belum bisa memberi bocoran.

Log mengatakan, konser bertajuk 'Konser Kembalinya Krisyanto' akan dibarengi peluncuran album ‘Bumi Langit Menangis’ yang dikemas ulang dengan vokal Krisyanto.

“Soalnya kan itu album baru, cuma nanti suaranya diganti sama Krisyanto. Mungkin pertengahan Desember,” beber Log kepada okezone via telepon, Selasa (18/10/2011).

Log juga merasa manajemen tidak perlu memberikan pernyataan resmi Krisyanto telah kembali ke Jamrud. Dengan tampilnya mereka di acara televisi, hal tersebut sudah menjelaskan bahwa Krisyanto telah kembali.

“Enggak ada acara resmi sih. Paling tampil di televisi-televisi saja. Kalau resminya, ya pas konser akbar nanti,” tuturnya.

Pembuatan ‘Konser Kembalinya Krisyanto’ ini dinilai Log adalah sebagai tradisi dari manajemen mereka. Sebab, ketika vokalis Jamrud ini keluar juga dibuatkan konser perpisahan.

“Dulu pas dia keluar juga ada konser farewell-nya. Nah, sekarang ketika dia kembali juga ada konser kembalinya,” beber Log.

Puisi Cinta Romantis dan Sedih Untuk Kekasih

Ada enam Puisi yang bisa di baca dan dinikmati. Dari keenam puisi di bawah ini, 5 puisi tentang cinta yang sedang mekar, dan satu puisi tentang patah hati karena baru di putus cinta.
Terlintas di benakku akan senyum manis mu
Terukir senyummu di khayal ku
seakan engkau berada di depanku

Senyum mu begitu memukau hati
Aku terhanyut dalam senyum manismu
Senyum mu memberiku rasa yang berbeda
Rasa yang membuat hari-hari ku
menjadi bermakna

senyum mu seakan tak terlewatkan
dalam setiap detik waktu yang ku lalui
dalam setiap ingatan yang ku bayangkan
karena engkau adalah senyum terindah ku
by : neiv cha
Tatapan matamu
Matamu memberikan pancaran cahaya yang indah
Mata mu adalah mata yang paling indah yang pernah ku lihat
Sinar matamu membuat hati ku menjadi tenang

Tatapan mata mu mampu menembus dinding serta relung hatiku
Sorot matamu mampu mengalihkan setiap pandangan ku
Mata mu membuat ku merasakan sesuatu

Sesuatu yang tak dapat ku ungkapkan dengan kata
Hanya dengan selembar kertas dan sebuah tinta hitam
Ku mampu untuk mengungkapkan segala rasa yang ada di dalam hati ku
by : neiv cha
Ketulusan hati
Sentuhan warna mu berikan keindahan
Sejuta pesona terlihat walau tak pernah terucap
Bagai malam nan elok saat semua terangkai

Di dalam sebuah mimpi
Hingga tiada rasa letih
Ketika ku terbangun dari lelap tidur ku
Seketika pula teringat sebuah senyuman
Yang setia menemani disetiap benak ku
Mesti nanti senja kan mengikis asa ku

Namun tak akan buat ku beralih
Untuk selalu ada bersama
sebuah ketulusan
Di atas ketangguhan hati
by : neiv cha
Rasa Rindu ku
kau mengajari ku melebur dalam gelap tanpa harus lenyap
merengkuh rasa takut tanpa perlu susut
ku terdiam dan terbangun dari ilusi
namun aku tak memilih untuk pergi

aku merindukan mu
disaat aku merasakan kesepian
aku merindukan mu ketika
aku terbangun dari ilusi ku
aku merindukanmu ketika
aku teringat akan sapa lembut mu
by : neiv cha
Bintang hati ku
dingin nya malam mencekam jantung ku
hingga tak berdetak karena kau tak ada disisi ku
hati terasa sepi terbalut kabut kedinginan

ku memandang langit
hanya bintang yang tampak
bintang yang selalu menemani ku
disaat hati ini terasa sepi

ketika bulan menghilang tertutup awan
disaat ku membutuhkan pancaran sinarnya
untuk mengurangi dingin yang mencekam
tanpa rasa lelah kau pancarkan cahaya

kau terangi langit dengan cahayamu
kau tunjukan padaku bahwa kau mampu
menerangi malam ku dengan cahayamu
by : neiv cha
Putus Cinta
Ingin aku menahanmu
Tapi aku tahu aku tak akan bisa menahan jalanmu
Bahkan sekalipun kita terikat
Kita akan selalu berpisah
Karena jalan kita memang berbeda
Jadi kulepas kamu dalam tangisku

Aku tahu
Kamu pun terluka sepertiku
Tapi aku tak bisa bertahan lagi
Meski perasaan ini selalu menjebakku

Kini hanya ada bayanganmu
Bayanganmu yang selalu hadir di depanku
Menghadirkan kenangan suka duka
Kenangan yang tak pernah bisa kuhapus
Seakan terpatri dihatiku

Kadang aku benci mengakuinya
Meski kita berpisah
Hatiku tak bisa lepas darimu
Aku pun benci bertanya dalam hati “apakah kamu juga sama?”

Kini kita baik-baik saja
Tak ada benci
Mungkin kamu pun tak ada rasa lagi
Ada satu hal yang tak berubah
by : melo oplover

Minggu, 23 September 2012

Tips memasang Lagu Otomatis di blog
Cara Memasang Lagu Otomatis di Blog- Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membahas Cara Memasang Lagu Otomatis di Blog. Dengan adanya lagu/musik di blog kita tentunya akan terasa lebih seru dan asyik. Mungkin banyak orang yang belum tahu bagaimana cara memasang lagu secara otomatis, padahal caranya tidak terlalu sulit. yuk kita simak tutorialnya :

1. Kunjungi
2. Lalu Pilih menu "Create Playlist"

3. Kemudian kamu ketikan lagu yang kamu inginkan (misal :Armada - Hargai Aku) , Kemudian  kalau sudah, disitu ada pilihan lagunya, pilih salah satunya (klik tanda tambah). Ket : disitu tidak hanya 1 lagu, kamu bisa menambahkan beberapa lagu lagi.

4. Kemudian Klik Customize untuk mengatur tampilan kotak musiknya.

5. Bila sudah diatur, Klik Save Playlist. kemudian masukan nama lagunya dikolom "Playlist Tittle". yang bawahnya tidak usah diisi, kamu langsung klik "Save (Get Code)"

6. Kemudian akan muncul halaman baru, disitu kamu harus daftar terlebih dahulu, Caranya sangat mudah, kamu hanya perlu memasukkan email, password dan tanggal lahir.

7. Bila sudah daftar, kamu pilih "Embed Code" dan kamu copy kodenya

8. Login ke Blogger => klik Tata letak => Tambah Gadget 
9. Pastekan kode tadi di HTML/JavaScript => Simpan.

Semoga bermanfaat :)

Sabtu, 22 September 2012

How to Restore Time Display New Line to Old FB Display | Facebook Tricks

How to Restore Time Display New Line to Old FB Display | Facebook Tricks - Lots of people who complained to the display, and the new Facebook Time Line display. In contrast to the old facebook look, the look that is now more complex and heavier weight loading. The new look Facebook timeline more complicated because most Facebook members are already familiar with the old view that given their new look a bit confused.
Facebook Timeline Display loading more weight, because in one page chronology covers all your activity on facebook from the beginning you make a facebook until now. From the above reasons the majority of FB members want to go back to the old Facebook display because it is simpler and easier to understand. But the FB itself ignored complaints from members that. Kasiiiiihaaaan ....! : D

Then How can we Restore Time Display New Line to Old FB Display? Now it can be overcome by using the Time Line Remove application. It should be noted that this method is not always effective because it can be blocked at any time by the Party FB. To Install the application you can read in the following way: Get to the scene sob:
Login to your FB [FB [Login]
After logging into your FB please install applications [Install]
Upon entering the site application developers select / click Browsing are you using now (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or internet explorer windows)
After you select browsingnya then click the "click here" and then click "Allow"
Wait loading the download
Click "Install" wait loading
Now look at your profile and then "reload"
Display you are back to the old Facebook look that is easier to understand.
For More Clearly See Figure this:

I hope the above can help all those who need this information. Thank you for your visit in

RESOLVE SIMPLE MURI RECORD 11,999 Dawet Drinking Glasses

PURWOREJO ( - Purworejo Muri breaking records with as many as 11,999 black dawet drinking glasses. This record exceeds the previous record breaking 9104 Banjarnegara district with drinking glasses.

"Our target before 10,000 glasses. The committee provides 12,000 glass centered on the Village Field Need Dlangu District, and elsewhere outside because papatitas less memadahi, "said R Mohammed Abdullah, chairman of the organizing committee on the sidelines of activities on Saturday (22/9).

Dawet presented in the form of black dawet a typical local products and beverages Need. To drink that much dawet also deployed 4,000 students from 37 schools from elementary to high school in the District of Need. Other guests.

According to Paul Pangka, Muri Museum representatives from Indonesia, from counting dawet glass on the ground, and four points outside the glass was recorded 11,999 or less one of the 12,000 glasses provided. This amount exceeds the previous record of Banjarnegara district.

"To be able to break the record muri, minimum 10 per cent more than the previous record-breaking," said Paul Pangka.

This record breaking continued drinking dawet Paul Pangka ranks 5590 Muri Museum. "For the record breaker is also not allowed to use the funds ABPD, must be from outside or a sponsor," he explained.

10 Thousand People Ready to Break Records MURI Drink Dawet Ireng

PURWOREJO - Expressing gratitude to carve achievements made by the citizens of District Need. After having building a new youth and sports, organized activities taking Dawet Ireng Need by 10 thousand people as the record-breaking Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI) which was held on 22 September in conjunction with the inauguration of the building.

As a first step the committee has prepared 50 traders dawet
existing in the district took to support the achievement of the MURI record it.

"Yesterday after checking in MURI record last drink dawet
ever done in Banjarnegara is numbered 9300 people,
Therefore we will try to outperform by inviting residents to
dawet drink up to 10 thousand people.

 If in Banjarnegara just dawet course, in the name Dawet Ireng It is already known as a culinary region here "said the coordinator of the record-breaking field, Inung.

The plan is to support the activities of the committee will
4400 invites school students in the district took, 37 primary schools, 3 high schools and five junior plus youth and community representatives from each village targeted dikecamatan Need totaled 10 thousand residents.

"These people took their own initiative results that have Ireng Dawet
known to exist in the Dutch citizen named Tutik Need
Handayani who married Paskal Kuahten from the Netherlands. After
learn to make dawet later he sold the country dawet
Netherlands. Because it has worldwide, then we want dawet ireng also be
MURI record, "continued Inung.

Regarding the sports hall have been completed, the building
built on land field with sub-Need help
the budget of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of $ 2 billion and will be unveiled at the same time by holding the Expo Need 2012.

According to Committee Chairman and Expo Inauguration Ahmad Al Sharif Need 2012 (45) building youth and sports results aid from the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Upon completion of the building was named Youth Building Tjokronegro. Residents of districts elect Need Tjokronegoro name taken from the name of the first regents Purworejo.

"The building is named Tjokronegoro youth will be inaugurated by
Regent, but we also are seeking to invite the Ministry
Youth and Sports at the inauguration that will be conducted on Saturday
(22/09/2012). This is done as a gratitude that Butuhtelah district has a new youth building, "he said.

Need Expo itself will be held from 22 September to 8 October
2012 with the appearance of the local cultural arts dance performances
ndolalak and horse shows during the expo takes place. "Expo also has
we prepared that until now have 50 of the 70 booths filled booth
that is, we have to muster dawet dawet traders who
spearheaded and coordinated by the chief trader dawet Purworejo
namely Supono "explained Inung added

Jumat, 21 September 2012

Thousands Cheating Tricks like Facebook status with thumb Shadows

Upset with Facebook security system intensifies, like status now also been limited, and the same comment over and over has also been detected as spam, finally to get thousands of like status more difficult, for that I turn my brain how can we look wahhhh status. ... and make people drool see our status as all updates will be seen by thousands orang.Untuk like I siasati using via Fans Like Page aka fan page.
This powerful tricks for fishing for people like us to ribuan.Covallents status blog will lay out the secrets of how to get thousands of like status using the thumb shadow, why do I call the big shadow?
Because like in our state is like from a fan page alias our own homemade thumb.
Here are the steps how to get thousands of like status without spread koment and without the aid of scripts and tricks guaranteed to be free of banned alias free unblock facebook security.
The first step, guanakan look old facebook (not facebook chronology).
why should use the old facebook? because it does not allow the new look facebook fan page to like the status of accounts that are not fans page.
Create one or two accounts, it also may not, up to you.
After create an account or create a fan page fan page as much as possible in the account. so you have to have two facebook accounts, one is the original and facebook which is the machine you thumb. for 1 account you can create at least 100 fans page (waowwww. ..)
Update your status with your original facebook, after you copy the url status
Login with facebook page that there were hundreds of fans before, after it was moved from the account to the fan page, the choice is in the upper right corner of your facebook, there will be lined with the names of the fan page that you created tadi.Setelah move to the fan page and paste the url you copied earlier and will soon be heading to your facebook status, like the status of you and move it to the next fan page.
Like go on and follow this trick repeatedly until the entire fan page you ngelike your own status.
well now you've seen more status waahhhh as there are thousands on the status of your thumb. Thus people will be interested in for your status ngelike. Please create a fan page will you, if you could make 10,000 fans page .... (Wekekekekekkek cape-cape dah lo ...: D)
Good luck thumb crazy lovers like status, now you can already ngalahin status status is Lady Gaga. : D

-SALKOMSEL and do not forget to join in the "Thumb Community Like Status" or directly click here: STATUS LIKE THUMBS COMMUNITY

Script Auto Follow twitter

Here is the script auto follow on twitter, so just by calling the following script, we automated user laen, please suck first script,

- Edit the script replace username and password with your twitter username and password
  trus keyword stuffed up any kind eg, sports, automotive, computer, etc.
- Tancepin / uploads to the root public_html directory or hosting each - each
- Then rename it to "twitter.php" (without the quotes)
- If you've then we call it a script, (replace domain with domain each of us - each).

For example,, well if you want to unfollow, we can use hxxp :/ / (replace x so t)
  Good luck

How to open a site that at Banned

How to open or block access to sites on the Banned quite easy as just using the services of a third party website to help us pave the way to the proxy. Open the sample sites below and enter the website url link that we want to go but can not.

- etc.

In this way we were able to surf in cyberspace safely because the information about where we access the internet, on record, our personal information, etc. can be concealed very well. However, there may be some sites that do not accept this kind of connection. Also do not use this technique for a crime / offense because that will surely be revealed as well.

Kamis, 20 September 2012

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE 2012/2013: Dramatic, Real Madrid tumbangkan City 3-2

JAKARTA: Real Madrid topple Manchester City 3-2 after the dramatically behind 0-1 and 1-2 in the Champions League group stage match at the Santiago Bernabeu.

Goal Real Madrid in print by Marcello the 75th minute, Karim Benzema and Cristiano Ronaldo the 90th minute.

Meanwhile, the City goal scored by Kolarov who made City winning 2-1. Previously, the City goal scored by Edin Dzeko in the 68th minute.

Kick off the first half by Madrid. Los Blancos players still casual play ball.

Formation of the arrangement shown. Real Madrid changing two players compared against Sevilla, Essien replaced Ozil and Sergio Ramos replaces Varane.

Of the City, the player Matija Nastisic debut after moving from Fiorentina. Meanwhile, Aguero was dicadangan so Carlos Tevez played as a lone striker.

The 2nd minute Cristiano Ronaldo instantly making opportunities. Ronaldo made shooting from outside the penalty box which direction is still sideways from the goal.

Madrid continued to intense pressure against City, this time using a 4-5-1 formation. Varane is appointed to replace Ramos has so far performed very calm, no sense at all awkward for him.

In the 6th minute, one attack conducted by the City through David Silva still does not work. He failed to control the ball on the left side.

Entering the eighth minute. City have found the pattern for the attack. However Mareka still stuck in pharmaceutics raised fort Madrid duo Pepe and Varane.

In the 9th minute, Ronaldo quickly Attacking from the left side, he quickly swerved and flat kick hard. But can still be pushed over by Joe Hart. Corner kick, but failed to get Madrid goal to fruition.

It is still difficult for the City to get out of pressure, whether the level of play they do in the English league is different from the European game?.

Silva, who became the creative side in camp City lack of support when attacking. Player City still put themselves confused when they are attacked.

In the 35th minute, Nasri out of the field looks in haste while holding her thighs. There are indications that if he were injured. Nasri was replaced by Aleksandar Kolarov.

Argg!!! Madrid still doing wrong bait. Ball stomach exhibited by many men Mou easily stopped.

Mourinho out of the bench and ordered his men to be more rigorous in doing pressings.

Ronaldo did not do a lot of magical action this time, he was guarded closely by many City players.

Entering the second half, City directly to pressure from the right by Maicon. But crossing pass from Maicon still can not succeed.

New berjakan 2 minutes, Di Maria!! Hard kick him. City defender was hit. Hard ball then rolled down her love widened.

The 56th minute, Pressing strictly carried out by Kompany to Ronaldo. Until the Portuguese player was dropped, but not a violation.

Madrid remained the same as in the first round. Apply pressure but still failed to bear fruit goals.

Busy attacking and pressing defenses City, Real Madrid fell behind in the 68th minute when Dzeko kick toward the goal and scored, 1-0 to City.

Swift counterattack by City led to Yaya Toure. Then he pass the ball to Dzeko Edin Dzeko and the harsh breaking goalkeeper Casillas kicking.

Marcello scored in the 75th minute through a banana kick from outside the penalty box. Marcelo who ran ahead on the left side suddenly swerved into the middle and kicking off with the right foot, hard ball pierced right corner of goalkeeper Hart. 1-1 score Madrid vs City. (Fire)

MANCHESTER CITY: Joe Hart, Clichy, Kompany, Nastasic, Maicon, Y Toure, Nasri, Barry, Silva, Garcia, Tevez

REAL MADRID: Iker Casillas; Arbeloa, Pepe, Varane, Marcelo; Khedira, Xabi Alonso; Di María, Essien, CR7; Higuain

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE 2012/2013: Take Romulo outperform Spartak Moscow 2-1 Barca to 59 Minutes

JAKARTA: Romulo brought Spartak Moscow ahead of Barcelona through his goal at minute 59 in the Champions League group stage match at the Nou Camp.

Dani Alves goal to make the score Barcelona vs Spartak Moscow 1-1. Earlier, in the 14th minute, Tello scored. Hard kick Barca's young striker from outside the penalty box capable of ripping the nets Dykan. The hosts now lead 1-0 over the guest, Spartak Moscow.

Spartak started the game by trying to control midfield. Barcelona responded by pressing tight.

Spartak off unexpectedly, appeared this morning in the Camp Nou. Fast game with short passes they demonstrate. Presumably Unai Emery would imitate the strategy adopted during this Barca: Tiki-taka!

In the 14th minute, Tello scored. Hard kick Barca's young striker from outside the penalty box capable of ripping the nets Dykan. The hosts now lead 1-0 over the guest, Spartak Moscow.

Winning one goal does not make Barca satisfied. An attack from the right side to send feedback Alves waged a long way toward Tello, but the ball can still be driven Kombarov.

Spartak boss, Unai Emery, began to worry. He got up from the bench of giving instructions to his team, which began dictated by Barcelona.

Ball possession is applied Barca to make two bomber Spartak, Ari and Emenike, persist in their own games. The visitors are caged and only occasionally do the counter attack.

In the 29th minute, Spartak was able to score through an own goal by Dani Alves. Ari crossing balls thrown wishing Brazilian defender was even slid into the goalkeeper Valdes. 1-1!

Spartak Moscow to perform well in the first half. Despite losing the ball possession, care of Unai Emery's squad was able to trouble Barcelona via counter attack. As a result, they are able to respond goals Tello, although only an own goal by Dani Alves.

Spartak initial attack in the second half dikreasi Emenike, who send feedback far to the right side. Unfortunately, too heavy so it is difficult to reach Makeev.

Barcelona hit back Spartak! But Adriano hard kick from outside the penalty area still secured Dykan.

Minutes to 51 Alves scored, but disallowed. Apparently before shooting the ball Barca fullback was caught off side. Camp host slowly but surely started to increase the intensity of the attacks.

Game still runs like peruh first. Barca dominant, while Spartak play waiting while applying counter attack when it got the ball.

Kick Brazilian midfielder McGeady's cross was unable driven Valdes! Counter attack Spartak absolutely incredible! (Fire)

JAKARTA: Rays Robin van Persie in the match Manchester United against Galatasaray was not shiny. Manchester United only won 1-0 in the Champions League group stages at Old Trafford.

The game was very exciting. Got depressed at the start of the round, Galatasaray had a weapon behind attacks in the first half led to nine shots (only one that fits).

MU pressing seldom shoot because the defense meeting raised by Dany Nounkeu and Hakan Balta.

Manchester United 1-0 up straight after the game has been running for seven minutes thanks to goals from Michael Carrick to Galatasaray goalkeeper.

As soon as the whistle sounded, Manchester United, who took the initiative to make use penyerangan.Manchester 4-4-1-1 formation against 4-4-2. The fight remains crowded middle. It could be the creative side will win tonight.

Alex Ferguson and Kagawa van Persie returns to the field after last week they no reserve bench.

Galatasaray have never won in England, with three times the draw and four defeats. The last visit ended with a 3-2 defeat in the group phase against Liverpool in the 2006/07 season.

Manchester United and Galatsaray've been drawn in the Champions League 1994/95. The result was a goalless draw in Istanbul and United won 4-0, in which David Beckham scored his first goal for United in this match.

In the 5th minute, Nani dribbling alone, try a quick pass to Valencia. But Valencia failed to make the crossing because it was blocked by a defender Galatasaray.

The 7th minute, Michael Carrick scored the ball directly into the goal Galatasaray exploit assists from Kagawa. 1-0 to United.

Goals were made by Carrick was his first goal after three years in the Champions League.

Galatasaray did not remain silent, they are trying to master the game field. This time the kick Nordin Amrabat the 10th minute was far from over the bar.

MU more incentive to attack, Galatasaray defense and counter-attack.

In the 24th minute, the opportunities for United. Receiving feedback from the mature Valencia. Van Persie failed to control the ball. Goalkeeper Muslera forward quickly to catch the ball.

The second half started .. Direct pressure exerted by Galatasaray despite failing in the second to 11.
Van Persie being the lone striker did not work alone. There Kagawa and Nani were very diligent get into the penalty box from Galatasaray.

The 51st minute, a dangerous action from Nani, he quickly swerved the ball on the hand feeding and Galatasaray players Penalty awarded.

In the 53rd minute, Nani gagakmengeksekusi goalkeeper saved a penalty kick after Galatasaray Néstor Muslera Micol.

MU still look to attack. Support and the atmosphere outside the stadium who could give a good spirit for the red devils retainer. Hard free kick from Lampard still be arrested by Buffon. Wild ball were driven out of the box by Bonucci.

The 60th minute, Vidic!! MU gets a chance through a corner kick taken by Nani, Vidic headed by successful bait. But Muslera remained good at kicking dismissed. Corner two given failed to use and far removed by Balta.

By the end of the 2nd round, the position remained 1-0 for MU. (Fire)

MANCHESTER UNITED: David De Gea; Rafael, Evans, Vidic, Evra; Valencia, Carrick, Scholes, Nani; Kagawa, Van Persie

Substitutes: Lindegaard, Ferdinand, Anderson, Chicharito, Welbeck, Cleverley, Fletcher. # UCL

Galatasaray: Muslera; Dany, Hakan Balta, Semih Kaya, Eboue, Hamit Altintop, Selçuk İnan, Felipe Melo, Amrabat, Burak, Umut Bulut

Reserves: Ceylan, Cris, A Yılmaz, Riera, Engin Baytar, Emre Colak, Elmander. # UCL

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE 2012/2013: Inter-Juventus Quagliarella Identify Top Notch So Chelsea 2-2

JAKARTA: Quagliarella equalizer Chelsea vs Juventus 2-2 in a Champions League match at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea cage.

Vidal Juventus goals scored by the 38th minute. Chelsea goal scored by Oscar at minute 31 and 33 use the feedback Eden Hazard and Arturo Vidal.

Once the first half whistle blew, Chelsea immediately attacked. The first corner kick to
Ch.elsea released after a cross by Oscar afford driven by Juventus defender.

Andrea Barzagli assisted Leonardo Bonucci and Giorgio Chiellini Lucio replace the middle ankle injury.

At the camp host, Chelsea have a fit squad. John Terry and Ashley Cole and Juan Mata set down in this fight.

Juventus are in a positive trend in terms of performance. So far they have not been defeated.

In the 8th minute, Pirlo past three Chelsea players then cross off, but Vucinic welcomes feedback Pirlo's header was wide of Cech's goal.

Ashley Cole surging forward in the right sector Juventus defense in the 12th minute, but the tackle of Barzagli able to keep the ball out of the penalty box area Juventus.

Opportunities Chelsea in the 17th minute. Torres ran the ball out of the infield, and then provide feedback breakthrough to Hazard. Hazard to cross along the ground which, unfortunately still be driven by the Juventus defense.

Chelsea continued to press, Juventus panic. dangerous cross from Hazard able headed by Torres but still hit Asamoah. But Hazard failed to maximize the corner kick from Lampard.

The 31st minute, Oscar managed to score against Juventus utilizing feedback Eden Hazard. 1-0 to Chelsea. Only a 2 minutes later, oscar mencetakgol back by kicking hard. 2-0untukChelsea.

Juventus continued to try to minimize the position. Unfortunately the business of Vucinic was wide on the right of goalkeeper Petr Cech. Juventus finally managed to reduce the lag by Arturo Vidal. Chilean players were hard kick left foot from outside the penalty box to the bottom left corner leads and failed to reach by Cech. Chelsea 2-1 Juventus.

Match the first half ended with the score 2-1 to Chelsea's victory over Juventus. It was Chelsea's participation the 10th time in the Champions League. They have reached the semifinals six times and twice competed in the final round.

Chelsea chances in the second round. Free kick to Chelsea after Lampard dropped by Bonucci right in front of the Juventus penalty box the 52nd minute. This second Dibabak Juventus looked blunt in attack. While Chelsea continued to press to enlarge their lead.

The 65th minute, Marchisio shot from 25 yards was hit Chelsea players and generate a corner kick for Juventus. However, a corner kick by Pirlo released caught by Cech.

Juan Mata was seen warming up the side of the pitch after 72 minutes. Who is going to be replaced? Apparently Oscar.

Juventus equalized to 2-2 in the 80th minute thanks to goals from Fabio Quagliarella. (Fire)


CHELSEA: Petr Cech; Barislav Ivanovic, David Luiz, John Terry, Joe Cole; Mikel, Frank Lampard; Ramires, Oscar, Edin Hazard; Fernando Torres

reserves: Turnbull, Cahill, Azpilicueta, Moses, Bertrand, Mata, Romeu.

JUVENTUS: Gianluigi Buffon; Chiellini, Andrea Barzagli, Bonucci; Lichsteiner, Marchisio, Andrea Pirlo, Vidal, Asamoah; Vucinic, Giovinco

Reserves: Storari, Quagliarella, Matri, Isla, Lúcio, Giaccherini, Marrone.

Profile Tjahaja Basuki Purnama [Ahok]

Ir. Tjahaja Basuki Purnama, M.M. (Born in Manggar, East Pacific Islands, June 29, 1966, age 45 years) is a member of the commission II, 2009-2014 House of Representatives of the Golkar Party. Previously, he served as Regent of East Belitung period 2005-2010. He is the first ethnic Chinese who became Regent of East Belitung. Ahok, as he is usually called, is known to have a strong desire and concern for the welfare of the people. People in the province of Bangka-Belitung greet the first son of Alm. Indra Tjahaja Purnama (Zhong Kim Nam) and Buniarti Ningsing (Nen Bun Caw) by calling "Koh Ahok".

The spirit of nationalism Indonesian citizens of Chinese descent (Hakka accent / Kejia) is to grow as a family upbringing that instilled since childhood. Closest friends called him "double minority". Much time is largely focused on defending the interests of the people. Protestant man who has a Chinese name, Wan Zhong Xie has a wife named Veronica ST (born in Medan, North Sumatra, 6 September 1977) and blessed with 3 sons and daughters named Nicholas (1998), Nathania (2001) and David Albeenner (2006).

Childhood Ahok

More Ahok childhood was spent in the village of Hanging, Hanging District, one of the districts in East Belitung with both parents and three siblings, to finish completing junior secondary school education. After graduating from junior high school, Ahok continue school in Jakarta. Nevertheless, Ahok always appropriate holiday message to my hometown of his late father, was attended by counsel and her sisters Ahok Dr. Basuri T Purnama (doctors and civil servants in the district of East Belitung Regent), Fifi SH Lety. LLM (legal practitioners), Harry Basuki MBA (practitioner and consultant in tourism and hospitality). Therefore, after completing their studies back home to serve and work in his hometown.

Lots of funny and sad stories attached dibenaknya up until now will never forget, when I was in junior school. Especially during school hours Islam all students must follow, there is no exception for a non-Muslim. He also encountered difficulties when learning to read and write the verses of Al Quran, being a non-Muslim. By his teacher, he was advised to follow the TPA (Parks Religious Education).

The order of the teacher was followed by a visit to a landfill (which incidentally is a mosque) is not far from where she lived in one afternoon. But what he gets is not a science, but an insult of a landfill teacher at the time, who call themselves pagans. "You infidels not (not) allowed to get in here (mosque). This is only for Muslims ". He was expelled and not allowed to learn to read and write the Koran.

He left with sadness for not being able to follow the lessons in the landfill. Religious teachers in the school and released him from learning to read and write the Koran.

Education and the business world
Ahok skip the primary and junior secondary education in Hanging, East Belitung district. Continuing high schools and universities in Jakarta by selecting Mineral Technology Faculty of Trisakti University majoring in Geological Engineering. After completing his education and received a Bachelor of Engineering Geology (Geological Engineering) in 1989, Basuki return home, settle in the Islands and established the company's CV. Panda engaged in mining contractor PT Timah.
After two years as a contractor, Ahok realize that to become a manager of minerals he needed capital (investors) and management professionals.

For that Ahok deciding S-2 college and majored in financial management in the College of Management Prasetiya Mulya Jakarta. Master's Degree in Bussiness Administration (MBA) or Master of Management (MM) led to his work accepted in PT Simaxindo Primadaya in Jakarta. The company is engaged in the field of power plant construction contractor. He served as staff directors for cost analysis and project finance. Due to the concentration of employment in the Pacific Islands, in 1995 Ahok decided to quit work and return to his hometown.

In 1992 Ahok established PT. Nurindra Ekapersada in preparation for building a factory Gravel Pack Sand (GPS) in 1995. Bird Bath Factory Hamlet, Village mengkubang, District Manggar, East Belitung is expected to be a pilot project for the welfare of (shareholders, employees, and people) and to contribute to the East Pacific Islands Revenue leveraging mineral resources are limited. On the other hand believed PT. Nurindra Ekapersada memikili vision to produce a formidable human resources.

With this vision in 1994, Ahok backed by a prominent freedom fighter Alm. Wasidewo to begin construction of the first quartz sand processing plant on the island of Belitung by leveraging American technology and German. Construction of the plant is expected to also give great hope became the forerunner of the growing industrial area and harbor an ocean under the name Air Industrial Estate Kelik (Kiak). At the end of 2004, a Korean investor persuaded to build a Tin Smelter (tin ore smelting) in Kiak, this is done to raise the price of tin ore mines Pacific Islands people in the market, so that will increase the ability of the people's economy. Korean Foreign investors are attracted to the concept agreed to provide facilities and warehousing plant complex complete with an international port in Kiak.

Career, social, and political
Went on to become entrepreneurs, not make Ahok satisfied with her career. In 2004 he was attracted to politics and joined under the banner of the party as chairman of the DPC Party PIB PIB East Belitung district. In 2004 he ran for election as a member of the legislature and was elected to the East Pacific Islands District Council 2004-2009. The entry Ahok to politics based on the message of the father (Zhong Kim Nam) who once said "You fitting so official. Because employers want to think about the people, it's not possible, "the message of his father. Ahok then follow the advice of his father, he was then entered parliament through the Association of New Indonesia Party (PPIB). PPIB is a political party founded by the late. Sjahrir.

In the local elections (elections) Regency East Belitung 2005, Basuki paired with Khairul Effendi, BSc of Freedom Bull National Party (PNBK) participate as a candidate for Vice-regent regent-East Belitung period 2005-2010. With 37.13 percent of the votes this couple elected Regent and Vice Regent of East Belitung first definitive.

Data describing the election results, pair-Khairul Basuki excel in the district of East Belitung the barn sounds Crescent Star Party (PBB) in the legislative elections in 2004. In fact, in the capital of Belitung Manggar-East, the United Nations proposed pair also defeated Basuki-Khairul. In fact, Manggar hometown of former DPP Chairman UN Yusril Ihza Mahendra, who became the main base of the United Nations at the time. In just about two years, the aspirations of the people in the areas inhabited the Malay-Muslim groups shifted drastically.

In the elections of 2007 the Governor of Babylon, Ahok take part became governor candidate. Former President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) support Basuki T. Purnama (Ahok) became Governor of the Pacific Islands and join her campaign.

When the show delivered his oration, Gus Dur who appeared about 15 minutes it was quite appropriate judge Ahok lead smelters Islands Province. According to Gus Dur, cagub ethnic Chinese descent has a pretty good strategic program with free education and health, when he was elected governor of the Pacific Islands. Education and health problems is essential in achieving development goals. "Ahok already implementing best program when leading East Belitung regency by exempting health care costs to all its citizens," said Gus Dur.

Movement Three Pillars Partnership, which consists of the Indonesian Transparency Society, Chamber of Commerce and the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment, Thursday (01/02/2007), personal giving to the bestowal of which contribute to the fight against corruption. They are former junior high school teacher 56 Regent Jakarta and East Belitung Nurlaila T Basuki Purnama (Ahok).
Ahok in nobatkan as Anti-Corruption Leader of the elements of the State. Ahok assessed successfully suppress the spirit of corrupt government officials. It is characterized by the implementation of health care and free education for the people of East Pacific Islands. Ahok transferred allowances for government officials to the people's interests. Movement Three Pillars Partnership is a partnership between government, business and civil society. The movement was founded in 2002, which has the goal to eradicate corruption in Indonesia. Movement Three Pillars has the slogan "Clean, Transparent and Professional" (BTP).
Honesty and sincerity are devoted to the welfare of the people and the Republic of Indonesia also conduct Ahok became one of 10 leaders who transform Indonesia by Tempo.

That post about Jokowi Profile Candidates for Governor Dan Ahok Jakarta 2012 hopefully can be your references in choosing Cagub and Cawagub.